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Rare genetic mutations have made these people celebrities

Karren Brammer – Severely Allergic

<![CDATA[Genetic mutations or genetic disorders are a result of the changes in the biological differences in the patterns and expressions of genes in the people suffering from them. This is the reason patients suffering from such diseases are characterized by some of the most debilitating symptoms.

The list of rare genetic diseases comprises of about 7000 different diseases and more than 300 million people suffering from the same worldwide. Given below is a list of some of the most rare genetic disorders and people suffering from them.

Josh Hodgkiss – Smith-Magenis Syndrome

Image Source : BlogSpot

Josh Hodgkiss, the son of Mark and Stephanie Hodgkiss is a three year old toddler who has developed an unusual genetic disorder called Smith Magenis Syndrome. Due to the disorder, Josh is unable to feel pain, does not take anything as dangerous and is wide-awake when everyone sleeps due to reversal of the hormones.

Biting, hitting, banging the head and biting his tongue into half are some if the common things that Josh does without even the slightest feel of pain and this is what worries his parents. According to his mother, Josh has turned out to be a violent and adamant child and his behavior is completely unpredictable.

Ethan Mair – Craniosynosotosis

Image Source : Metrouk2

Cranisynosotosis is a natural birth defect characterized by the premature fusion or closing of one or may be more joints of the skull bones even before the complete formation of the baby’s brain. As a result, the baby’s brain undergoes improper growth and is of a weird shape.

Ethan Mair suffered from the same disease, but was lucky enough to be treated by surgeries. The surgeons opened up Ethan’s skull put it together just like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle and put it back again in place. The baby underwent five surgeries, severe loss of blood but at last won the battle and is back home now.

Karren Brammer – Severely Allergic

Karren Brammer – Severely Allergic

Image Source : images.cm.archant.co.uk

Karren Brammer from Bedfordshire deserves a salute for her courage and determination to live even after suffering some of the most severe allergies in the world that include allergies towards latex, wasps, kiwi fruits and numerous medications. When talking about latex, it should be noted that latex is commonly used for making innumerable items such as balloons, shoes, plastic bags, bath plugs, television, equipment, cars, chewing gums, escalator handrails, stamps and others.

Because of this medical condition, Karren could not perceive her job as a nurse and even had to take aback her gardening business. She underwent severe anaphylactic shock due to her condition but is still fighting for her life.

Jono Lancaster – Treacher Collins Syndrome

Image Source : News.Com

Jono was born with a rare disorder that affects 1 in 50,000 people and is known as the Treacher Collins Syndrome. This disease is characterized by the malformation of bones of cheeks and jaws in patients, which results in eye problems, cleft palate, blindness and poor development of facial bones that ultimately leads to respiratory problems.

Jono took a long time to accept his condition is now on his way to help others for the same. He recently went to Australia to meet a 2 year old toddler, Zackary Walton, who unfortunately suffers from the same disease.

Graham – Cotard’s Syndrome

Image Source : ExeterexpressandEcho

This man from Britain suffers from a major syndrome called Cotard’s syndrome also known as the Walking Corpse Syndrome which is named so because the sufferers of this disease believe that they are dead or no more alive. Graham, as a result of his condition even attempted suicide with the help of an electrical appliance inside his bathroom.

These genetic disorders are beyond human control and cause irreversible to both the body and the mind of the sufferers. All we can do is that value our life and be thankful to the almighty.]]>

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