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Pregnancy sleep disturbances: Problems and fixes

Pregnancy is a great thing to happen. But because of the physical changes in the body, increased hormonal activity and a general state of anxiety, you do face certain discomfort especially during sleep. This can be easily taken care of with few simple steps so that you can sleep fitfully.

1. Heartburn and acidity

Problem: Because of a larger appetite you may tend to gorge yourself with the foods that cause acidity and gas. In the last trimester this could be very uncomfortable keeping you awake all night.

Fixes:Try to have frequent, light meals. Avoid spicy or fatty foods and stick to lots of fresh fruits and veggies for dinner. Have dinner at least two hours before you tuck in so that half your digestion is over by the time you sleep.

2. Bladder gets full frequently

Problem: In the first and last trimester the pressure on the bladder is more because of the growing uterus. This makes you visit the bathroom so often that your sleep is disturbed.

Fixes: Have as much of fluids as you want, during the day and try avoiding drinking water or juices before bedtime. This keeps the bladder comfortable during sleep.

3. Leg Cramps

Problem: There is no proper medical insight for the reason to get cramps, but just a general supposition that the extra weight you carry strains the blood vessels especially in the last trimester.

Fixes: A light walk or a warm shower before bed helps. Also try to improve the circulation in your legs by wiggling your toes and ankles, or changing the position of your legs every now and then. If it is very painful or bad then your doctor might prescribe some minerals or supplements.

4. Position during sleep not comfortable

Problem: In the eighth or ninth month when you are supporting a fully grown fetus, your abdomen is huge and distended, so if you are used to lying on your back or stomach while sleeping, you have to change your position.

Fixes: Sleeping on your left side helps. Various makes of pregnancy pillows and wedges are available which you can tuck beneath your belly and between your legs to support the back and abdomen. Otherwise, try different surfaces like the couch, sofa or even a harder mattress which might be more comfortable.

5. Nausea

Problem: You suffer from nausea and aversion for particular foods and smells during the first trimester.

Fixes: You can keep some biscuits and crackers handy and have them before you get up from bed or during nights when you feel peckish. As your body sucks up all the nutrients it is good to feast on more healthy foods and avoid coffee or alcohol. Keep your head raised a bit with an extra pillow.

6. Bad dreams

Problem: Stress, anxiety, bodily changes and lack of sleep may cause restlessness and bad dreams.

Talk to a friend who you can share your anxieties with. You can keep your Mom in the picture. She would love to help you out. Read books that soothe you and avoid watching very violent or upsetting scenes from the TV.

Few quick tips

1. Take afternoon nap

If you still cannot sleep at nights and remain fatigued during the day, try noon power naps which can help you cope with the daytime activities.

2. Get into a routine

Set pleasant tasks for the evening and get into a routine, so that your body is programmed to sleep at regular hours. You can end your tasks with a cup of warm milk.

3. Medication

Try and avoid medication as much as you can because any kind of unnatural chemical will affect the growing fetus.

Finally, just relax and enjoy yourself. Have positive thoughts. Keep a nice baby poster by your bedside and dream on! These are just guidelines for those who face sleep disturbances because a majority of women (like me), do not face any of these problems.

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