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Taming toddler supermarket tantrums

Taming toddler supermarket tantrums

Just when you think that everything is going well, suddenly the little toddler throws a fit of tantrum and often in public places. They generally throw themselves flat on the ground, flailing their arms and legs and bawling out loudly. This is just their way of expressing their displeasure at something as they can not articulate what they want at that stage. There are ways that little ones throw tantrums and if we do not put a stop to it, they learn how to use it each time to get their own way. There are two distinct types of tantrum displayed by children in the form of manipulative tantrum and the frustrated tantrum.

1. Discovering and discouraging tantrums

Disciplining your child from using tantrum to get their own way is done through gentle body language or verbal cues. When a toddler starts throwing a tantrum, you can gently admonish that it is not the right thing to do, or tell him that you do not like that kind of behavior. You can ignore him or leave him on his own till the tantrum subsides. This repeated ignoring will slowly teach him that you do not abide by his tantrum tactics. This is one way of curbing the manipulative tantrum.

Children display in anger their inability to perform a certain task. this kind of outburst requires a certain empathy from the parents. You can comfort the child and give him a simpler task that he can perform or help him partially to do it, such as putting on his sock halfway so he can pull up the rest. Make it look like an achievement on his part and praise him when he is able to complete the task. This will encourage him to express himself with body language or words in future without getting upset.

2. Identify the trigger

Children generally throw tantrum because they want attention or in some kind of discomfort. This is the main reason why most outbursts take place while you are on the phone, supermarket or busy otherwise. Your child just wants to let you know that he wants to be paid attention to, that he is not feeling well or even wants a nap. You can maintain a tantrum diary and note down when or why your child throws a fit, as this can be a guide to take remedial measures in future whenever you notice the signs of tantrum appearing.This can be detected because the toddler starts off by complaining, whining and basically getting restless.

3. Don’t take it personally

Tantrums are a part of the growing process of a child, when it strives for independence in decision making or taking control on his own and failing at the attempt. It does not in any way reflect poorly on your parenting ability just because a child has tantrum fits. It has nothing to do with you as it can not be started or stopped by you, so do not take it personally.

4. Stay calm

You need to stay calm and collected If your child throws a tantrum in the supermarket, instead of feeling sorry for yourself. It is difficult not to be embarrassed in such a public place but do not yell at the crying child. It is important for you to carry the child out of the way and to find a private place, either in the car or the bathroom where you can let the tantrum steam off. When the tantrum wears off, calm and settle the child gently and reassure him that you are there. At best, the child will doze off or will be in a better mood to resume with the shopping.

5. Plan ahead

Plan your shopping in such a way, when your toddler is well fed, happy and at his chirpy best. The morning hours are generally most suitable as a child gets finicky, hungry, tired and restless in the afternoon. Before the shopping expedition, feed your toddler well and let him sit up on the shopping cart to help you in selecting items of purchase. Obviously, a little toddler can not be expected to show decorum or obedience in a public place, particularly when he gets tired, hungry or sleepy.

6. Big tantrums, small tantrums

Tantrums have been divided into two slots by experts to give parents a better perspective on handling the outbursts. A small tantrum is avoided when parents let a child wear mismatched clothes rather than bringing on a fit. A big tantrum ensues when a little toddler refuses to be confined to his car seat which is for his safety. Under no circumstances can parents give in to the child’s tantrum tactics to be free of the safety belt.

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