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PETA’s condom wrapper design promotes safe sex, veganism

peta condom wrapper design

Stealthily or candidly, as occasion serves it, all of us have read and admired the instructional stuff provided on a condom wrapping; for information or suchlike – either is correct. Well, you may thumb it down if you like to. However, the New York City Health Department appreciates it, and it lately asked all to submit designs for the most eye-catching wrapper for its free condoms. PETA supporter Emily McCoy came up with a design for the contest that features a condom-covered cucumber with a message: Protect Yourself: Go Veg. Safe Sex. Healthy Food.

The cholesterol and fat that are found in meat, eggs, and dairy products can clog the arteries that go to all your organs, not just your heart. It’s a hard medical fact: Men who choose broccoli over bratwurst slash their risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes–and impotence.

Certainly, it’s a vegan twist given to the NYC Health Department’s objectives. Even so, since vegetarians are safer than the meat-eaters against heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity, the PETA ad maintains the overall texture of the campaign (contest rather).

Via: Ecorazzi

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