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Organic farming is the winner for sustainability and profitability

Organic farming is the winner for sustainability

You must have realized that organic farming has taken the world by storm off late. The probable reason behind these phenomena you must have thought of is the dire need to save the environment and the health of people. Well, one very important reason besides these two reasons responsible for the growth of organic farming worldwide is the financial sustainability of organic farming for farmers.

Organic farming over conventional farming

Organic farming has many qualities that rank it over conventional farming. Cultivation of plants and animal rearing, it all happens using natural ways such as using biological materials and avoiding synthetic substances.The case is in contrast with the conventional farming practice that involves usage of synthetic substances that disturb the ecological balance and soil fertility. Initially synthetic products improve production but with time, it leaves the soil barren.

Organic farming uses natural pesticides and fertilizers, which enhance crop production, maintain soil fertility and minimize wastage and pollution. A system sustains soil health, ecosystems and health of people as well. Such a lucrative combination of science and technology works in the favor of the environment, consumers and the farmers.

Organic food is healthier for us and profitable for farmers

Now everybody knows that organic farming is over conventional farming because of its many benefits. It produces organic food that is free of poisonous pesticides, and is healthy. It uses natural things that do not pollute the environment, soil, water and do not contribute to climate change. However, one thing that not many people know, and even some farmers are ignorant is the fact that organic farming is far more profitable than conventional farming.

As of now, not many farmers have started practicing organic farming because they do not know its worth. Therefore, it is imperative for every farmer to know all the benefits that are enough for convincing them to practice organic farming.

Thinking organic farming economically unfeasible is a mistake

Knowing so many benefits, some farmers still refrain from organic farming because they only consider the fact that organic farming on a patch of land gives lesser produce. The same tract of land produces greater agricultural produce using conventional farming techniques using synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.But all this happens at the cost of the consumer’s, environment’s and the soil’s health.

A new study has found that despite the lower yields of organic farming, the farmers can still earn much more than the farmers who practice conventional farming.Selling an organic produce in the market fetches much more in comparison to the conventional agricultural produce.

This is a result of consumer awareness, as the smart buyers today are concerned about their health and the environment altogether. They understand that if they will be kind to the environment, the environment will be kind to them. They know how harmful chemical pesticides and fertilizers are, and so they prefer organic produce.

Most of the organic produce at times is expensive than the normal farming produce, and people do not mind paying that extra amount. The study found out that organic farming was approximately 35 percent more profitable than conventional agriculture.

Organic farming is labor intensive but farmers get a nice compensation in the form of cost effectiveness. Farmers can be certain that their land will not go barren after some time because they are not using any harsh chemicals, and techniques such as crop rotation maintain the soil quality.

Organic farming is a practice loaded with so many benefits. Farmers need to consider all the benefits, so that more and more farmers join the bandwagon.

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