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Next 40 years are the most crucial to fight climate change

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According to a study, world leaders need to focus on bringing down the greenhouse gas emission as much as possible in the next 40 years to prevent hazardous warming conditions. The one-of-a-kind research incorporated a detailed energy system model. This model helped to scrutinize the relationship between emissions levels in 2050 and chances of achieving end-of-century targets of two or three degrees Celsius above the pre-industrial average.

As part of the research, a number of scenarios and their consequences became the matter of study. Under one case, researches reached to a conclusion that global emissions would need to be reduced by around 20 percent below 2000 levels by 2050 in order to meet the target. A second case made it clear that a more rapid increase in demand for land and energy would require far steeper 2050 reductions: 50 percent. The study, conducted with researchers from IIASA and the Energy Research Center of the Netherlands concluded that achieving these reductions was hardly feasible with known energy sources.

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