Mothers’ Depression with Shorter Kids

Mothers' Depression with Shorter Kids

Feel good to get great

Depression,  a  ten letter word perhaps which can be considered as deadly and dangerous next to suffering , pain  because ultimately depression leads to a irreparable damage at times which can never be  cured , On the contrary mother is a word which itself emits energy , vibrancy , care , trust but this ten letter word if superimposes  the word mother during her  most  important time “Child Birth” it can convert all these positive aspects to  darker way leading  to a situation where her siblings had to pay heavily because  data says  depression of mother has a direct linkage to shorter height of the kids-  A set back to the  entire family.


Depression spread all over:

Depressions over ages from the ancient days have always been a point of worry for every human being. The more one gets affected with this mental agony or any name we call it the more indulgence he goes in.


Most crucial phase:

Mother during the phase of pregnancy should be adequately made happy, prosperous so that she enjoys her feminine and continues to feel good about herself a small moment of stress can ultimately result in a grave situation shifting her thought process to a negative frame of mind.  The pregnancy phase is very crucial for any woman because during this phase a woman had to pass through  hurdles of not being able to contribute towards the family  which earlier she used to take care of,  this pain at times also relates to depression which  unknowingly going to affect her  kids heavily.


Short Height Issue:

A kid born with shorter height  starts facing problem from the kindergarten days to his work life days and a mother who is a epitome of happiness for a family is indirectly unknowingly contributing towards a curse for her family , A curse which if she wants can be controlled because it’s not a curse to die which cannot be taken back according to old scriptures but a curse which just needs an effort to change A move in thought process from negative vibes to positive vibes  resulting in a healthy family life.


Future Stability

Every mother dreams for her kid’s stability in life, but the worry behind this stability might lead only to a permanent disgrace to her kids which even if she wants after the birth of her kid to rectify the answer will be buried in the sand of times.




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