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Miami-Dade urges residents to recycle old phonebooks

telephone books

We sure love to keep precious literature treasured for long, but does it go for those telephone directories as well? I believe not. The Miami-Dade Department of Solid Waste Management also thinks the same in advising residents to recycle their old phone books, since new phone books are soon going to replace them. In doing so i.e joining the single-stream recycling program, they could benefit the environment in a number of ways.

Not only will it save trees (1 ton of recycled phone books = 17 trees saved), but could also power the average American home for half a year, save 3.3 cubic yards of landfill space and 7,000 gallons of water. Moreover, it will amount to greenhouse gas emissions reduced by one metric ton of the carbon equivalent.

Solid Waste Director Kathleen Woods-Richardson says:

It doesn’t take much to recycle your old phone book. Just toss it into your blue recycling cart, along with the rest of your recyclables, and you’re all set.


The Department of Solid Waste Management has been serving the Miami-Dade community for more than 50 years. Besides providing waste collection and recycling services, it owns and operates the most technologically advanced waste-to-energy facility (the single-stream recycling program) in the world.

Via: Miami Herald

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