Responding to Architecture for Humanity’s call for sustainable prefabricated home designs, designers from the world over suggested some remarkably futuristic concepts. After being asked to limit their designs to 37 meters-square space, they came up with low-cost solutions to best utilize the skimpy area. Mobius Architects’ Ecomobi was adjudged as the top entry for its lightweight housing and green roofs. The pictorial, after the jump, includes the shortlisted entries of the design competition.
WINNER: Ecomobi by Mobius Architects
Runner-up: Thick-Skinned Regionalism
Runner-up: Pods
Honorable mention: Urban Tree House by Jason David Designs
Honorable mention: Spontaneous House by Claudia Bastos Coelho and Mariana Matayoshi at Cobogó Team
Honorable mention: Self-Sufficient Prefab House by System Design Studio
Via: NewScientist