There was a time when the rate of technological advancement was too low, which made the available technologies too expensive, far out of reach of common people. Then times changed and there came a revolution in technological advancement and it has become much affordable now. Talking about the home automation technology, it has taken the world by storm not only because of its capability of simplifying our lives but also because of its affordable nature.
Controls all your appliances providing you comfort
Home automation is another name for comfort, convenience, satisfaction, security, and happiness at home. It simplifies and unifies all the smart devices at our home so that you could control them with utmost ease and even remotely. By using your Smartphone or any other Wi-Fi enabled gadget, you can monitor or control functioning of home automation devices, which means living in a home that is simple yet smart.
Allows you to start slow and steady
Home automation is a technology that can go to any extent to make your life blissful, not just by making it convenient but also helping you save your hard-earned money. It allows you to start from anywhere you like, as in start it with replacing incandescent light bulbs in your home. This will serve two purposes altogether, connect them to your Smartphone and LED bulbs consume lesser electricity, which means you will start saving on electricity bills.
The connected LED bulbs will enable you to control each bulb not going to them physically but turning them on or off via your Smartphone. Suppose you leave home in a rush and it is only after you reach your office that you realize you have kept the kitchen lights on.
Had they not been smart lights you could not have returned home and would have waited for the evening letting the electricity waste entire day. On the other hand, if the similar thing happens and you have smart LED connected lights at home, you can easily turn them off right there sitting in your office. How cool is that.
Improves your home’s security quotient
Gone are the days when grills on windows and double locks on doors sufficed home security. Today burglars have gone too smart and nothing else than a good home security system keep them away from your home.
Home automation includes a wide range of home security devices that are adept at keeping burglars away. Motion sensors detect even the slightest abnormal movement around and at once alert you via app on your Smartphone. Security cameras enabled with infrared night vision do not let intruders escape even in the pitch-dark night.
Home security system signals lights to switch on, activates audio alarms, camera starts recording, and sends notifications, eventually making intruders drop their plan and run away. Robbery is not the only thing home security systems provide safety for but a number of other dangers like fire. For instance, fire alarms start hooting and send notifications to you whenever it traces smoke in your home.
Improves your home’s green quotient
While adding comfort and security to your home, a home automation system makes you trim down your energy consumption as well. Motion sensors installed in your home solve the security purpose but they also serve the purpose of energy conservation.
If a motion sensor does not detect any movement or presence in a room, it automatically switches off the lights and other electrical appliances in that room. Thermostats help maintaining the right temperature in a room without wasting electricity for an unnecessary long period.
One must join the home automation revolution that helps save money, adds comfort, security, and happiness to home. Home automation is absolutely helpful and handy in making our lives blissful.