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Exhaust gas from diesel damages throat cells


Next time you see a semi cruising right along the highway, beware! the diesel exhaust emitted by it is injurious to your health, specially to your throat. The pure diesel is more damaging to us than the plant fuel. The diesel exhaust damaged and destroyed cells in our throat.

However, the bio diesel is less damaging on human beings. The subject of the study is the human airway cells cultured in a controlled environment. It is not quite possible to conduct this experiment on a real time human throat due to obvious reasons. This study was conducted by the researchers at the Deakin University.Associate prof. Leigh Auckland carried out the research at Deakin University.

The ‘particular matter’ emitted from the diesel exhaust seems to be the real culprit.That’s mostly responsible for killing or damaging the throat cells. Breathing in diesel fumes can have some major problems and be very detrimental. Basically, it blocks the airway and cause cells to fuse together.

The diesel exhaust study has been published in the latest edition of the journal of Immunology as well as Cell Biology. The exhaust can cause disorders like asthma or serious respiratory problems. I think wearing a pollution mask around the diesel exhaust somewhat helps us.

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