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EcoAndina dispenses solar stoves and showers to needy Argentines

solar cooker

Llama-herding communities of Misa Rumi in Argentina do not need to resort to deforestation to cook and heat their soups and stews anymore. A green initiative by the EcoAndina Foundation, a local NGO, is installing solar showers and donating solar-fired stoves to the needy villagers. It will bring in a sort of relief to the Andean communities who rely on forests for their energy requirements.

Since 1989, the EcoAndina Foundation has been distributing these solar equipments ‘to improve people’s quality of life and reduce firewood consumption, which produces a lot of desertification in the region’. Silvia Rojo, the president of the EcoAndina states that other Latin American countries are also following the suit. The solar stove, discussed above, has a built-in sundial to capture solar energy.

Not only will it bring down huge carbon emissions amounting to a whopping two metric tons a year, it will also lead the villagers to a greener way of life.

Via: Reuters

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