Eco Art: Recycled artwork by Cas Holmes is amazingly inspiring!


Art is a process of deliberately arranging elements aesthetically to mesmerize your senses. Cas Holmes, a Maidstone-based artist, has a lot to offer with her breathtaking eco-friendly creations. The designs are made by re-assembling discarded items and waste material to create something beautiful and more meaningful.


The artist works by combining textile and paper based technique, which is very correctly practiced on waste paper and fabric. She layers photos, drawings, text and fabric using glue transfer methods. These can be torn and scraped to reveal layers underneath. For holding the work together stitches are used, which not only keeps the work in place but also adds color or a line, like drawing.

Holmes has recently created large wall hangings, textile canvases and objects that reflect traditional and contemporary styles. These creations are a result of the materials that she collected from India combined with donated waste silks, fabric and paper from the UK. Her impressive works bring out the connection she shares with the environment. In addition to her exhibits, Holmes has been commissioned to write a book called “The Use of the Found in Textile” for Batsford Publications, which will be out in 2010.

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