Beauty of the beast: Your last chance to see tigers in the wild

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We are fast nearing a point where tigers will be nowhere in sight. The urgency of the issue demands us to start thinking about their rehabilitation before they are wiped off the planet forever. Though you could see them in images and videos, they’ll be extinct and removed from their physical existence since the countdown has already begun. It’s for the last time, maybe, you’re witnessing the wild creature in its full glory.

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Despite various programs by governments worldwide, failures included, it’s really pathetic to notice that forests are making way for concrete constructions, and the ferocious beast is losing its habitat.

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The forest dwelling species is under tremendous pressure to go extinct, owing to various poaching, hunting and smuggling practices. While a steep decline of 60% was noticed in Bengal tigers’ population, the South China Tiger has almost bid adieu. Moreover, the Panna Tiger Reserve doesn’t brag any of the feline occupancy anymore.

Image Courtesy: Wikipedia

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