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A Dad’s duties for his little princess

Dad’s duties for his little princess

Growing girls are welcomed by many physical and emotional changes in them. Their perception towards the world takes a new shape and form. This time could be very delicate and if not handled with proper care, it could turn into turmoil. A father is his daughter’s hero. He actually is. A great inspiration and the perfect male figure, a father has the sole power of how his daughter relates to other men. A few pointers down for all you fathers to enhance the beautiful relationship and make a world of difference in her future years.

Keep her off the Media-Glamour swindle

Make sure you do not let your daughter buy into how the media showcases a perfect lady should look. As she starts having the physical changes in her, she may be very conscious about the outside world and at times may fall vulnerable. Talk to her properly on all these lines keeping in mind you never criticize her on her clothes or size and weight, as the consequences might be harmful.

A proper health and glow

Be active with her. Play with her. Exercise with her. Check her balanced diet of food. Recommend her ways where she can have good health and skin.

Independent- Self reliant- Confident: That is what the world today demands of her

Growing age gets the young girls very immature emotionally. The hormonal changes make her more sensitive to everything of the outside world. Little things can make her overjoyed or dejected. There are many things going on in her head but what is required is to give those thoughts the right path. She has to be taught what is wrong and what has to be done. Make her aware of her certain duties. She has to learn to help herself in every situation. Make her an independent, self-reliant and a confident woman.

Be her friend- Know her friends

Teen girls and relationship problems go hand-in-hand. A tiny crush to a close friendship to being in a relationship, almost every girl has to go through it. All these have many misunderstandings, fights, confusions and hence heart breaks that could lead up to deep depression too. You have to rescue her out of it. Talk to her openly, especially when she comes up to you with a problem. Try knowing all her friends and keep yourself updated as to what is happening in her life.

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