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Climate Dress: LED-equipped gown senses CO2 in the air

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The Bright Green Expo in Copenhagen gave fashion designer Tine M. Jensen, the Danish Design School, the Alexandra Institute and the embroiderers at Forster Rohner, a wonderful platform to exhibit their dazzling LED-studded dress. Hailed as the Climate Dress, the haute-tech frock lights up when it senses carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

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The dress is a beautiful ensemble of conductive embroidery, connecting a CO2 sensor to an Arduino Lilypad microprocessor. When CO2 is detected in the air, the conductive embroidery transmits information to the hand-stitched lights, resulting in patterns that range from slow pulses to rapid flashes, depending on the concentration of the greenhouse gas. The Climate Dress was designed to create awareness regarding environmental issues using an aesthetic representation of environmental data.

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Via: Ecouterre

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