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China’s showpiece dam faces environmental questions

the three gorges dam

The massive Three Gorges Dam may be an example of immense Chinese engineering skill and a proof of China’s monumental rise in power, but the world’s largest hydro-electric power station faces great opposition from environmentalists. Landslides and siltation are common occurrences across the Megadam region and authorities are being forced to relocate several millions of people to avert an ecological disaster.

Beijing’s communist government has always defended the dam’s construction citing the role it plays in controlling the massive seasonal Yangtse floods and generating enough hydroelectric power to reduce China’s carbon emissions. However, it seems negative impacts of the dam are outweighing the positives so much so that even provincial and national authorities are admitting the need for alternatives in combating the growing ecological and environmental problems.

The Chinese are concerned that if proper and constructive steps are not taken soon, the environmental problem relating to the Three Gorges Dam would get more international recognition at a time when Beijing is set to host the Olympics next year and already many critics have voiced their concerns regarding the capital city’s air pollution. The time, it seems, has come for China to show its commitment towards the environment.

The mass relocation of people from the affected regions close to the dam is a social and demographic concern. With waters rising in the various areas under the direct influence of the dam, the affected population is being moved to hillside areas away from the rising water level causing land shortages in the upper regions.

Clashes among relocated people, locals and authorities are common due to the mass relocation. It is estimated that around 4 million people are going to be relocated to prevent any environmental disaster. According to unofficial reports the 13 billion pound dam is a ticking time tomb with continuous erosion and landslides in the hillsides and a study has revealed that the Three Gorges reservoir’s shoreline is collapsing in 90 places raising a lot of environmental fears.

There’s no denying the fact that the Three Gorges Dam has played an important role in controlling the deadly Yangtse floods and generating tourism money to the country, but Chinese might have made some miscalculations in judging the environmental consequences of such a huge construction project. The time has come for Beijing to provide complete details about the environmental threats to international environmentalists and work together to find out a feasible solution.

Link: Herald Tribune

Image Link: Travelchinaguide

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