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Rise in global temperature may stimulate war


Constant deforestation, growing population, extreme weather conditions and pollution have bound the whole man kind to fight for basic things like food and water. According to a new study, the day is not far away when world will face food crisis. The study is done by David Zhang of the University of Hong Kong.

He found that rising temperature of earth will lead to wars and population declines as many people will die during war. The research proves the relation between climate and conflict.

In the near future, the supply of clean drinking water will emerge as the most important problem for developed and developing countries. Water shortage will lead to insufficient supply of water to agriculture and might prompt food shortages that could in turn lead to conflicts. These conflicts and the food shortages could contribute to population declines.

The history is filled with such data when changes in climate affected the number of wars fought in the past. In the 17th century, Europe and Asia had witnessed more wars and population declines in more temperate times.

It is very hard to feed each and every body with limited natural resources and growing population. Yes! We might see starvation and probably more cases of clashes for bread and water among hungry people.



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