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How to ‘climate-proof’ crops? Scientists to discuss soon

indian farm

Scientists are meeting in Hyderabad to discuss ways of protecting crops from climate change. The initiative is part of a global summit on climate change, which will be held next month in the Indonesian resort island of Bali.

Experts from 15 international agricultural research centres will discuss how to ‘climate-proof’ crops in the three day meet. It will attended by Martin Parry, co-head of the Nobel Prize winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. In Hyderabad Parry will speak on the implications of climate change on crop yield and risk of dwindling supply of food grains and rising hunger.

A billion of the global population is vulnerable to climate change, desertification, land degradation, water scarcity and shortage of fossil fuels. Coping with climate change and desertification will be next to impossible for the dry land farming communities until they are made more resilient.

Image: watersecrets blog

Source: AFP

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