Bringing home your love for cosmos with exciting space décor

The universe is still an unexplored part of our life that always seems to amaze us. The secrets of the skies, stars, the planets, galaxy, and life beyond Earth are some of the questions we have in our mind. It does not matter if you are an adult or a kid, having the cosmic connection and love to it is not surprising. We all wonder what life is in space, or how it feels to live in the midst of the Milky Way and the galaxy.

We even let our imagination run wild thinking by coming up with Sci-Fi movies that reflect a completely new and different side of living. It is not wrong to have a fascination of this idea and if you want to decorate your house with this concept, then do check out a few décor options that you have. 

Go for Wallpapers or wall murals

One of the easiest ways to bring in your cosmos love into your house is by opting for space themed wallpaper. There are various designs in the market that replicate the different elements of space. Choose the one that replicates the idea that attracts you the most. This gives your room a breathtaking view and helps you to relax easily.

The spaceship bed set design

If your child is fascinated with the space concept, let him/her enjoy her very own spaceship. You can design the look of the bed to resemble that of a spaceship. This will serve the dual purpose of a nice play zone and a resting zone. On the ceiling, place a nice design of glow in the dark space themed stickers. Your little astronaut can always enjoy his or her space adventure whenever he/she wants.

The solar system study room accessories

For your office or study room, you can buy a paperweight that has the design of the solar system inside it. Along with that, you can also choose to have different figurines or collectables of your favorite space home decor. If you want, you can also have a nice large size poster of space stuck under the glass of your study table.

The rocket bookshelf idea

When you have kids in the house having a collection of books is a natural thing. Well, instead of regular box, you can choose to have a rocket-inspired one that will fulfill your little one’s fantasies. This open storage option can also be used to store other things like games, toys or even space related home decor items.

Space inspired home decor and figurines

A simple and easy way to show some cosmos love is by having your very own collection of space inspired home decor and figurines. You can choose to have a moon shaped cushion on your sofa, a wall clock with a colorful galaxy design, and even a nice celestial globe.

Space themed bedspread and cupboard

Considering that kids will always have a change of heart, you can still give in to the present fascination of the cosmos love with this idea. Choose a nice space themed bedspread design that will fit in easily. On the cupboard, you can stick different space inspired stickers of various sizes to blend in with the look. Keep the decor as simple as possible so that you have the flexibility of making changes whenever you want without its falling heavy on your pocket.

Lighting fixtures that with the Galaxy concept

Instead of going for regular lighting fixtures, you can choose the ones that are inspired by the Galaxy concept. This will be a great addition to your house. There are nice hand painted lanterns and printed table lamps in the market that are inspired from different aspects of the space. From the stars to the milkyway or even the different planets, you can always blend in differently designed lighting fixtures together and show off your love for the cosmic world.

Turn your boring bathroom into your very own space

Bring in some light your boring bathroom by incorporating a colorful galaxy printed shower curtain. You can also choose to have a stained glass shower door, which is inspired by your favorite space design. For the countertop, consider a black base with silver small sized dots so that it resembles the dark skies and stars. You can also put a nice galaxy inspired bathroom rug or even have towels that will blend into your space inspired bathroom decor.

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