‘Angel for Animals’ this time, Joanna Krupa goes nude for PETA again

joanna krupa for peta

‘Dancing with the Stars’ contestant Joanna Krupa seems to have risen to heavenly stature (pun intended) by going almost naked with only angel wings and a crucifix on for a PETA ad campaign dubbed ‘Be an Angel for Animals.’ To ensure her efforts don’t go to waste, another ad portrays her topless with a rosary and a dog to do the needful.

Well, the ad has received the papal disapproval for it “rips off Christian iconography” and seems to engage onlookers “in cheap irreligious claims.” Despite everything, Krupa stands defiant in sidelining Catholic condemnation while asserting her state of undress might go on “to stop senseless suffering of animals, the most defenseless of God’s creation.” While urging people to always adopt and never buy animals, Joanna wishes to highlight how dogs have to sustain their lives in tiny, filthy metal cages without proper veterinary care.

However, had she been doing the same with her clothes on, the message would have been no different. Watch the video to judge for yourself:

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjqhd4M5Quk&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0x234900&color2=0x4e9e00&border=1]

Via: Daily News

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