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6 Tips to handle child obesity

Obesity is going to be a big problem the world would face in a decade. Researchers have shown that it has become a growing trend around the world. Obesity is a condition where body accumulates excess fat due to lack of activity. Kids are very vulnerable to obesity as the parents can’t keep an eye on the food habits of their kids out of their busy schedule. At times, they are bound to follow their parental diet orders despite their unwillingness. And this adds to obesity problems among the kids. But there are certain steps to prevent kids from obesity. Here are some tips to help you fight the obesity chances of your kids:

1. Light food at regular intervals

Since children have high rate of digestion, they should be provided light food at regular intervals. But they should never be forced with a heavy load of food in one meal or the food thus consumed will be stored in the form of glycogen and fats.

2. Remove the couch from the TV room

Couch makes people lazy. As kids can’t tolerate to miss their favorite show, they prefer to wait for the show on the couch. They eat, watch and sleep on the couch in front of the TV. Removing the couch from the TV room will at least make them sit properly without the laziness.

3. Practice healthy food habits

Give them healthy food like cereal and milk. Avoid high dose of fats and carbohydrates which would accumulate into body fat and increase the level of obesity. Include lot of fruits in their diet to provide necessary minerals and vitamins to support their metabolic systems efficiently. Their routine diet should include a glass of milk, a bowl-full of salads and fruits. The parents should also incorporate a lot of protein to help them grow up stronger.

4. Encourage them to play outside

Never buy kids a video game. Always encourage them to play outside in parks or larger ground. It will not only burn the excess calories accumulated during whole day but it will also give them fresh air to breathe, which is good for body metabolism.

5. Enroll them in sport clubs

Find what kind of sports they like, tennis, cricket, football, baseball, basketball or badminton or any and enroll them in the corresponding sport club. Sport activities will work terribly well to burn the excess fat, tone up their bodies, give mental and physical strengths and increase their stamina. These activities will also reduce their interest in TV and video games.

6. Monitor their habits and activities

Parents should ensure that the kids are following everything the way they have planned. They should monitor their feeding habits and sports activity. This process will not only build up a proper habit of everything but it will also create a strong bond between the kids and us.

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