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Clomid – Fertility Drug for Women

One of the main causes for infertility in women is the lack of ovulation. Clomid is a wonderful drug to treat this form of female fertility. It has been quite successful in raising female fertility by stimulating the ovaries to produce eggs. The chemical compound Clomifene Citrate is the essential part of this wonder drug. In a way, it heightens the fertility in a woman and increases the chances of her getting pregnant as a result of this.

Once, a woman comes for treatment of infertility, the gynecologist or an expert may perform the basic fertility tests on her. In some cases, the test results show that eggs are not being formed in the ovary properly or there is improper ovulation. This may happen due to polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in some of the cases.

The gynecologist may prescribe Clomid as part of the treatment process for improving the formation of eggs in the ovary and thus getting a healthy ovulation cycle. This drug works on the production of the female hormones. These hormones in turn stimulate the ovaries to release the eggs.

Clomid comes in form of tablets and is taken orally on fixed days of ovulation. This is the time when the drug best works on the hormones for getting the desired result. The expert may advise to take them in small doses between day two and six of the ovulation cycle. Upon completing the course of drug an ultrasound scan is taken to see the effect of the drug on the formation and development of eggs in the ovary. If the change is not major then the expert may increase the dose of the medicine and again repeat the scans.

There are a few side effects of Clomid which are not significant. Most of the users do not experience any of them at all. However, in a few cases there are instances of hot flushes, nausea and mood swings. If effects like headache, pain in abdomen and blurred vision is experienced then the expert or doctor should be contacted immediately as this may be a potential side effect of the drug.

One interesting submission is that a woman is likely to have more than one baby if she is on Clomid treatment. There are slightly higher chances of getting ovarian cysts but these usually go away once the treatment is over and stopped. It has been advised that use of Clomid should not be done in more than 12 ovulation cycles as this may lead to ovarian cancer in the long run.

The success of Clomid is varied as it depends upon the genetics of the woman who takes it and is dependent on a variety of other factors. In most of the cases this drug is seen to increase a healthy ovulation and significantly increase the chances of getting pregnant. Overall it has given a very high success rate and given positive results in women who have got their fertility increased by the administration of this wonderful drug, called Clomid.

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