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5 Things you should know about Whooping cough

know about Whooping cough

Babies are sensitive and prone to illness very easily. Whooping cough is a vaccination preventable disease. In spite of getting themselves vaccinated, babies still suffer from it, which is alarming. The reason for this is the lack of effectiveness of the vaccination. It wears out after some time. Whooping cough can affect very small babies who have not yet reached their vaccination age. Here are some important facts about whooping cough. Read on and be aware.

1. Whooping cough epidemics

It has been observed that whooping cough epidemics occur every cycle of three to five years. Last time it hit US was in 2005 and it occurred again in 2010. This was obvious.

2. Remember to administer booster shots

Even if you get your baby vaccinated for whooping cough, the effect does not last for long. After some time, the baby tends to lose immunity. Hence you must ensure to give your baby the booster shot time and again. This is called Tdap vaccine.

3. Baby can catch infections

Sometimes babies are too young to get the whooping cough vaccination, especially if they are just two months old. Such babies are often infected by someone in the family who is suffering from whooping cough. Hence, it is very important to protect your young one in the family and make the baby stay away from the person who is infected till the infected person is back to normal.

4. Common cold and Whooping cough are different

Many times parents tend to misunderstand whooping cough with common cold until it becomes severe. They are unaware that the cold is contagious for the first four weeks of infection.

5. Precautions

Prevention is better than cure. The best treatment is to give your baby booster shots from time to time. Give your baby Tdap vaccination. Whenever your baby coughs, do not delay it to be a common cold. Immediately consult your baby’s pediatrician and take medicines that the doctor prescribes. Always cover your mouth with a handkerchief or a towel when you are coughing. Instruct other family members as well. In case, if you or someone in your family is suffering from cough, stay away from the baby till you or the family member gets well.

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