Classics have been around since ages and offer a wide view on different perspectives. To attain sophisticated vocabulary and an in-depth analysis of literary terms, classics are excellent tools. Teens should read them for intellectual enhancements.They are the best form of literature and teens should definitely try reading some of them. Here are the 10 best classics that every teen should read.
1. Lord of the Flies
This classic, written by William Golding in 1954 is deeply ingrained with allegory and symbolism. Being a very popular book among teenagers, this book brings out the fact that human nature is violent and how we end up destroying the goodness in ourselves. The book is set on a desert island, where a few English boys are left to fend for themselves, after being stranded by a plane crash. The symbolism used in the book is pretty easy to decode and has characters, that one can easily connect with.
2. One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest
This novel, written by Ken Kesey is a gripping tale about people who have institutionalized-their struggles and problems. Set in an asylum in Oregaon, the story is narrated by a schizophrenic Chief Bromden, who explains the experiences of Patrick McMurphy, a patient, desirous escape from a work farm. It reiterates the modern age belief of goodness overcoming. evil.
3. To Kill a Mocking bird
This American classic by Harper Lee is one of the most popular classics of all times. It throws light on deep issues, such as, stereotyping and racism through the eyes of two children, Scout and Jem. Deeply absorbing and thought-provoking, this book will surely move you.
4. Romeo & Juliet
This eternal love story by Shakespeare is a deeply moving tale of love, family rivalries and fate. Its universal theme appeals to all and is still a popular book. Though written in Old English with puns and idioms that make it difficult to be comprehended, yet the elements of the story make it very interesting.
5. The Awakening
This novel, written by Kate Chopin was released in the year 1989 and got embroiled in controversies because of its theme. This classic revolves around a woman of a patriarchal society and her struggle to break free from her mundane roles as a wife and mother. Though the novel has a feminist outlook, it offers good exposure to social norms and gender roles.
6. The Outsiders
Written by S. E. Hilton, this book is an easy and simple one. The novel is about two brothers, who find that they are growing on the wrong side of the tracks. Through its simple characters, the author has very clearly depicted the values of friendship and brotherly affection.
7. Catcher in the Rye
This deeply controversial book, written by J. D. Salinger is a teen favorite and also one of the best literary books of the 20th century. Till today, it remains an engaging story for all adolescents. Though you’d find a lot of swearing and sexual references with references to homosexuals, it tends to deal with practicality.
8. Their Eyes were Watching God
This is another controversial classic, that was written by Zora Neal Hurston in 1937. This story revolves around a female protagonist, Janie Crawford and reflections of her own life. This novel depicts Florida in the early 20th century and is narrated in an extended flashback. Woven around black culture, it is an amazing book to read.
9. A Child Called “It”
Written by Dave Pelzer, this tale explores the dark theme of child abuse. It is autobiographical and narrates how a boy had been cruelly treated by his alcoholic mother who beat him and kept him under starvation. Various incidents of childhood, that have been marked by torture and near-death experiences are also depicted. It is a life-changing book and recommended for older teens.
10. MAUS: A Survivor’s Tale
This is a graphic novel by Art Spielgelman, which comes as a refresher for students. The books explains holocaust in a completely new and different perspective.
Take your pick and read the classic that interests you the most. There are a wide range of books, that you can read from. It is essential that teens should experiment with books and different genres of classics.