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Simple Ways to Keep Your Skin Beautiful During Menopause


Menopause is an unavoidable phase in the life of every woman, which is characterized by numerous mental, physical and emotional changes. The hormonal changes especially are more prominent since they result in various skin disorders from dry, irritated skin to acne and skin ageing. Here are six useful tips for you to take care of your skin and keep is it glowing and youthful.


Having done a massage is the best way to provide your body the ease and relaxation from various menopause associated problems like headaches, mental fatigue and body pains. Massage relaxes your body and tired muscles while enhancing the blood circulation of the body. Different types of body massages are offered by professionals and spa clinics and you can even have one at your home by using simple things like massage oil, body lotion and aromatherapy candles.


During menopause, the secretion of hormones responsible for keeping the skin shiny and strong is greatly reduced. This makes the skin appear dry and wrinkled along with fine lines, acne and even Rosacea in some women. The best way to deal with this problem is to have regular facials by a dermatologist or esthetician as these help restore the skin’s balance and beauty.


Yoga helps you to deal with the hot flashes, night sweat and sleep disorders. Above all yoga sessions help improve the mental stress during your menopause and have a great influence on the skin. You can also practice yoga at your home with the help of several Yoga CDs available in the market.

Warm Bath:

Soaking yourself in a warm water bath helps you to relax your muscles and provides effective relief from stress. All you need to do is to simple put some water on, light a candle and get inside the water to calm and relax your tired muscles. Products such as the Kneipp Muscle Soothing Mineral Bath Salt-Juniper are specially formulated to remove toxins out of the body and to provide the muscles relaxation.


Various essential oils such as cypress, geranium, lavender, neroli and rose are very helpful in reducing the symptoms of menopause thus balancing the levels of estrogen; whereas, hot flashes can be effectively dealt with, by using lemon and peppermint oils. You can add these oils to the bathing water or can directly apply them onto the body beneath the fatty tissues.

Nail Care:

Menopause affects all the body parts including your nails that tent to become brittle and crack easily during this period. The best way to care for your nails is to apply a suitable strengthening cream and regularly have manicure and pedicure sessions.


All these tips will help you take better care of your beauty and skin during menopause, making you look young and healthy.

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