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How to select the best Home Theater Seating

Grow with Dr Prem

The seating for a home theater system is what makes the experience complete. If the seating is uncomfortable, even the greatest home theater system will feel useless. Nowadays, several kinds of sofas, recliners and chairs are available and the selection of the perfect one for your home theater is an important and difficult task that requires patience and endurance. Several factors such as kind of chairs, their placement, size of room, budget, etc. need to be considered.

Difficulty Level


Time required

It varies person to person

Resources required

1. Chairs

2. Sofas

3. Drinks

4. Snacks

5. Remote control

6. Miscellaneous item


1. Measure the space available

The first step in setting up the perfect seating for your home theater is determining the amount of space available. The chairs you used for your previous home theater system may not fit correctly in a new setting. You need to evaluate the number of seating that’ll fit in accordance with the size and kind of chair you want to install. If the room is too cluttered with over sized furniture then the entire experience would be destroyed as people won’t have any place to move around. The size and placement of the seating will also determine the sound quality and picture clarity. A small space can be used for home use or small intimate parties, and large spaces always come in use for throwing fancy movie parties.

2. Determine budget

Dr Prem Tech and Web Services

It is very important that you determine a budget before selecting the seating and make sure you stick to this budget. Only after you determine your budget can you actually select the kind of furniture and amenities you would like to include. In case you are on a tight budget then you should consider building the seating in steps. Research in advance and make sure you are fully aware of all the options that are available in your budget. If the home theater system is used very often and you hold a lot of movie parties then the home theater system seating should be of superior quality and should be lost lasting. If the system is casually then the budget could be a lot smaller.

3. Determine the seating comfort and placement

Ultimately, the purpose of a home theater is to watch a movie in comfort, at home. For this, you have to make sure that the seating is comfortable enough for long hours of sitting. You will also have to determine the kind of chairs you want, some options being, recliners, sofas, chairs or loveseats. The point is to determine the seating in accordance with everyone’s requirements. For example your wife may prefer a sofa so that she could get cozy with you but your children and friends would prefer recliners for their individual comfort. The point is, everyone has a different idea of comfort and you need to keep that in mind while determining the seating.

4. Accessories and amenities

It is the accessories that will set your home theater system apart from the regular. You have to make sure that you buy seating that has a separate section for storing food, drinks and other personal items. Designing the seating according to your own personal favorite sports team could also be an option. Several companies cater to such specific requirements. Adding extra amenities such as a popcorn machine or a concession stand are also ideas worth considering. An ottoman or a foot stool could also go a long in adding to the comfort of the viewers. These small details go into the building of a perfect experience.

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