Reel life is now a part of real life, this saying keeps on proving to be correct with the various innovative products hitting the market. In various Sc-Fi movies, we have seen different ways in which Robots were presented. In the movie The Real Steel, we saw robots competing against each other in a boxing match. The popular cartoon Jetsons, had a robot named Rosie, who did all the chores in the house. Even the popular movie Transformers featured cars that converted into robots or autobots.
Ever since the day the first Robot was made, we have seen a revolutionary change in the different ways this artificial intelligent is used. Now, Robots are also making their way into the food industry through Pizzabots. Pizza lovers will surely love the new concept of Pizzabots. This concept is all set to change the future of pizza delivery in a unique manner. But the conceptualization of this concept has already started in the Silicon Valley of America with the start of a pizzeria named Zuma,
Zuma the hi-fi pizzeria
From the outside, this may just looks like an ordinary pizza joint but the truth reveals when you step inside this restaurant. Behind the kitchen doors of this unique place, you will not find human hand baking your pizza, instead a completely new hybrid workforce of robots are the highlights of this restaurant. This new work force can really give a competition to restaurant owners in the Silicon Valley because of its ability to provide prompt and fast service. This place has the ability to deliver up to 400 Pizzas on an hourly basis.
A look at what Zuma has to offer
Julia Collins, the co-founder of Zuma in one of her recent interviews stated that the prime focus of the company was to come up with a place that is a provider of the world’s most loved cuisines. Along with that, bringing the hi-tech twist to the food is also one of the aims of the company. This place is a collaboration of human beings and machines working together. Collins also went on to state that the metallic employees helped to provide each other with the support needed on the productive end while humans were there to take on other tasks.
The produce selection and recipe development are areas of specialty of human beings, the robots handle repeated cooking methods since the metallic masters can move their hands inside the oven to ensure a well-cooked pizza. The traditional method of making pizzas still stands only a mild tech twist of hi-tech arms is added to it. So what exactly is the pizza making process of Zuma that is so different from the rest?
A look at the pizza making process
- The Pizzabots get into action with the first set of robots that create a perfectly round pizza base taking over the traditional Hand tossing Method.
- Once the base is complete, it is placed on a conveyor belt, into a special saucing station where Pizzabots Giorgio and Pepe slather the dough with either Alfredo or marinara sauce.
- To ensure that the sauce is spread evenly, a Pizzabot named Martha takes the charge of evenly spreading the sauce with the help of the multi Axis arm.
- This is then sent to the topping station. It is the place where human hands come into the picture to add the toppings to the pizza depending on the order.
- Bruno a 6 Axis robotic arm set the pizza into the partial baking oven where the pizzas are baked partially and you will get to know why when you read on.
- Finally, the chopping bot named Leonard slices the half-backed pizza using a cutting press and then these pizzas are placed in the delivery van.
This is not your usual delivery vehicle
This is just no ordinary delivery van; each delivery van is equipped with miniature ovens that play a major role during the delivery process. With the help of the GPS based predictive technology, the baking process of the half-baked pizzas is completed just 5 minutes prior to its drop point. .With the help of this fully equipped vehicle, the pizzeria not only cater to delivery orders, but also ensures that their customers enjoy a nice piping hot pizza at home.
The other uses of this van
This delivery van also helps the company by converting into a localized hub with the help of the special mode termed ‘forward deployment mode’ when the in house dining is running busy. Therefore, when the van converts into a localized hub, the humans can handle the delivery by using scooters or cars and the van becomes a mini pizzeria in the locality where it is parked.
Looks like pizzeria chains have a new challenge
With this system in place, it gives the company an upper hand to cater to the high demand and orders in cities where the population is high. It looks like Papa John’s, Little Caesars, pizza Hut, dominos and other well known pizza chains will have to pull up the stops to go to the new competition and level which Zuma has placed.