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10 Gaming accessories every gamer would love owning for sure

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What is reality? If cinema and art have changed our perception of reality, then it took a summersault with the advent of gaming. Now, with augmented reality and virtual reality coming into the picture, it is bound to change disastrously in the near future.  Here are 10 gaming accessories that would definitely take your gaming experience to another level.

Gaming is an exciting and enthralling leeway for a large number of people. Those who have a very intense passion for gaming do everything to ensure that they have a good time indulging in their favorite pastime. Hence, aside from concept gaming devices that tickle the fancies of game freaks, there are several cool gaming accessories that are easily sold out on the market.

Here are a few gaming accessories every gamer would love owning for sure –

1. Phone joy Bluetooth Controller

Phone joy Bluetooth Controller

Phone joy is a game pad that can be controlled via Bluetooth and it works on both Windows and iOS smartphones and tablets. It definitely gives a gaming experience on the phone and makes gaming easy, comfortable and enjoyable. It has controls attached to it along with joysticks, action and shoulder buttons and also has a D-pad and hence, you don’t really have to touch your screen. Thanks to it being portable, you can use it as per your liking.

Undeniably, an iconic device for those who are deeply involved into gaming, it is compatible with all kinds of smartphones and hence, is fairly dependable. It lives on a battery for 14 hours and can be recharged in about an hour and a half. The gamepad can be used for screens other than your phone as well.



There is no denying the fact that the gaming experience has changed with the advent of smartphones. No longer can people enjoy the experience of playing on the big screen. This is more of a loss for the developers as there is little or no market for PC games and games that can be played on TV.

Through OYA, which is a console based on Android platform, game developers can now do away with their limitations and make games for the TV. No longer does one have to compromise to the Smartphone and stifle away their creativity for lack of market.

3. GamePro


GamePro is a programmable Gaming Robot that will control the console for you. After all, using the console gets repetitive! The creation of the gaming robot will hopefully be a cure to the boredom. The robot can perform programmed tasks on the gaming console.

As of now, the robotic gaming accessory is looking for funds through crowd funding, hoping to bring in enough so that this project can see the light of the day. It started off as a just for fun project but now, a robot has been programmed to perform repetitive tasks that one gets terribly bored of after a point. The events can be monitored via a webcam but the robot can perform a few tasks all by itself all the same.

Yes, it can react to the console screen as per need! What more does a gamer want? A large number of gamers have expressed their wish to purchase the device and GamePro has been consistently improvising upon its product.

4. Tango Super PC: Pocketable Gameable Officeable Windows PC

Tango Super PC

Dr Prem Tech and Web Services

Tango is a small PC that one can carry around anywhere. It supports the Windows and Linux operating systems and can be carried in your pockets. A boon for gamers, the device lets you run applications like CAD. Currently, steam doesn’t work on this PC but the developers are working hard on this one. It has a RAM of 2 GB to 8 GB which is good enough for a PC that size, aside from a SATA hard disk and an AC adapter port. A onetime buy, Tango Super PC can be used for a fairly long time. Hence, definitely one of the most durable devices in the gaming industry, the cool device lets you play games as complicated as Call of Duty while on the go!

5. NEST Mouse

NEST Mouse

NEST mouse is designed to prevent chronic wrist pain that occurs from operating the mouse for long hours. A gamer often has to spend hours and hours on the mouse and it may adversely affect one’s health. It is, therefore, necessary to use the NEST Mouse that forces you to grip the mouse in such a way that there is no chronic wrist pain after a few hours. A technological revolution in its own right, NEST Mouse offers perfect ease of use.

6. Steam Controller

This line of gaming computers is manufactured and distributed by Valve Corporation. All steam machines run on SteamOS, an operating system developed for Linux-Compatible steam games. The steam controller is a unique handheld game controller that will work with all the steam games. A unique feature of the steam controller is its circular trackpads. These trackpads provide higher fidelity compared to the traditional controllers. It is also clickable allowing the entire surface to act as a button. Those who have played steam games on their PCs will appreciate the steam controller’s approach, which is quite similar to that of a desktop mouse.

7. DirectX 12

Direct X as we know, is the API provided by Microsoft for handling tasks related to multimedia specially gaming. The latest instalment is the DirectX 12 is now an API console, which will run on the Xbox One and other mobile platforms making it compatible across multiple platforms.

8. Virtuixomni

The Virtuix Omni is the first virtual reality motion interface that allows moving freely and naturally in a game. The Virtuix Omni package contains a motion interface platform, a pair of shoes, a support harness and Virtuix Omni tracking software and hardware.

Some of the features of this intuitive console are that it allows the player to walk, run, strafe, jump and duck in virtual reality games and simulation. The concave platform enables a smooth gait and a natural walking and running motion. The comfortable Omni shoes allow a fast paced action and extended gameplay and a great gaming experience.

9. Oculus Rift Development Kit

The Oculus Rift is a virtual reality headset that enables players to step inside the virtual worlds of their favorite games. The Oculus Rift creates a stereoscopic 3D view with excellent scale and depth creating a unique and parallel image for each eye in the same way eyes perceive images in the real world creating a more natural and comfortable experience.

The Rift uses custom tracking technology that provides ultra-low latency head tracking, allowing the prayer to look around the virtual world just as he would in the real world. Even the most subtle movement of the head is tracked in real time creating a natural and intuitive experience. The Rift also provides a 100 degree field of view and not limited to what the eyes can see on a boxed screen. The Oculus Rift is  comfortable and light weight to allow long playing sessions.

10. Sony Project Morpheus

Project Morpheus, the latest offering by Sony, is the virtual reality headset for PlayStation 4. With the Morpheus, the players will feel that they are actually inside the virtual world of the game. A visor style head-mounted display works perfectly with the PlayStation to deliver a virtual reality experience right before the player’s eyes. Players can also use the PlayStation Move controller as an object. They can use it like a sword creating a sense that the user is actually fighting with a sword. Morpheus also offers a 3D audio support creating a stereoscopic, true special sound for the best experience.

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