FullContact Card Reader – Review

FullContact Card Reader - Review
Grow with Dr Prem

As LinkedIn shuts down its CardMunch application, FullContact has come up with a replacement appcalled FullContact Card Reader. Check out whether this similar app is able to prove its worth or not.

Appearance –

The FullContact Card Readerapp is a solution for scanning your business cards in a way similar to CardMunch. Individuals transcribe business cards for users in this service. There are options to scan contacts from varied sources, including Salesforce, FullContact Address Book, Google Contacts and the user’s contacts in his/her phone. It is a simple-looking application that does not make you work hard while scanning your business cards. Its user-friendly interface also helps you in receiving quick updates on the status of your transcribed cards.

Performance —

FullContact Card Reader works nicely on both the iOS and Android devices. It is a simple way to get precise contacts into the phone of a user. If you had been using the CardMunch app, then you now have the option of exporting all your contacts from LinkedIn and storing them at a convenient place so you may work on them using FullContact Card Reader. This app can efficiently integrate all your contacts from different sources into a single FullContact Address Book.

Dr Prem Tech and Web Services

Ease of use —

It is very easy to use FullContact Card Reader. You only need to upload a picture of your business card in order to get it transcribed. However, you should use focused pictures and upload them in the right manner for the transcriber to avoid any error in scanning it.With this app, you may check any update on the tap of a button.

Usefulness —

FullContact Card Reader is a useful service for people who wish to have their business cards transcribed in a precise manner. Since there are real people handling this task, it eliminates the scope of an error. Additionally, there is no risk when you avail this service, as Card Reader offers 10 free card scans and allows you time to take your decision to use this service. Further, it is a quick and effective procedure to get your cards scanned and exported.

Value for money –

There are two payment options with FullContact Card Reader. While you may avail card packs of 50 at $9.99 or 500 at $89.99, you may also take an annual subscription for 1000 cards at $99.99. It is decent pricing considering the overall performance and accuracy of this app.

Dr Prem Tech and Web Services
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