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Canon Cinema EOS System: All you need to know about

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Canon Cinema EOS System: All you need to know about


Canon is a popular electronic company of Japan. Recently canon launched Cinema EOS System and has moved on to the motion picture.Canon cinema EOS system targets on a vast new area of imaging expression. Canon has already earned much prestige in the entertainment world of Hollywood, Bollywood and other cine industry. Canon is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan and is a leader in the fields of professional and consumer imaging equipment and information systems. Cine industry gives a great opportunity to enhance its quality and to enter into the electronic market. Canon cinema EOS system is a professional camera for good high quality picture used by professional photographers. This digital camera features a compact body which has been designed for easy manoeuvrability to allow shooting from vantage points inaccessible to large cinema cameras, such as close to the ground or alongside walls.

Pricing and availability

Canon Cinema EOS system is launched and is scheduled to be available till the end of January 2012. This is a classy brand and the cine digital camera of canon is estimated with price of $20,000.

What’s great?

Canon Cinema EOS system has got great features and specifications. It has introduced seven new 4K EF Cinema Lenses, four zoom lenses and three single-focal-length models.The four zoom lenses cover a zoom range from 14.4mm to 300mm – two models each for EF and PL lens mounts – while the three single-focal-length lenses are for EF mounts only. All seven new lenses promise an exceptional 4K optical performance and offer compatibility with the Super 35 mm-equivalent image format. The three single-focal-length EF lenses can be used with cameras equipped with 35 mm full-frame sensors. The four new zoom cinema lenses234w comprise the CN-E14.5–60mm T2.6 L S EF mounts and CN-E14.5–60mm T2.6 L SP (PL mounts) wide-angle cinema zoom lenses, and the CN-E30–300mm T2.95–3.7 L S (EF mounts) and CN-E30–300mm T2.95–3.7 L SP (PL mounts) telephoto cinema zoom lenses.Each lens of canon digital camera supports 4K (4096 x 2160 pixels) resolution, which delivers a pixel count four times that of Full HD (1920 x 1080 pixels), and offers compatibility with industry-standard Super 35 mm-equivalent cameras as well as APS-C cameras.

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What’s not so great?

Canon digital camera is used by production houses and has hit the Hollywood and Bollywood blockbusters. The camera also features a Super 35 mm-equivalent approximately 8.29-megapixel CMOS sensor ideally suited for digital cinematography.

Things to watch out for

With the launch of Canon cinema EOS system it makes a Hollywood debut. On November 3, 2011 Canon announced full-fledged entry into the motion picture production industry with the launch of the Cinema EOS System. On the same date canon also introduced seven new 4K EF Cinema Lenses as I talked about it above with four zoom lenses and three single-focal-length models which complement the company’s current diverse line-up of interchangeable EF lenses for EOS SLR cameras.


When the camera is recording in 4K resolution then the dimension measure approximately 80% vertically and horizontally of a 35 mm full-frame sensor zone.The launch date of this canon digital camera is not yet to be decided but it is for sure that it will launch in the end of January 2011.

Further readings or Word around the web

All the filmmakers are concurred with the new technology of canon. Meet Chuck Westfall, who is the training and technical advisor of Canon’s Pro Engineering and Solutions Division said in his interview said that “Film tone curves are obviously the main point of differentiation between one stop and another. With digital, they needed to have the ability to mimic that concept. The two most important things were getting rid of the moray factor and getting the low light sensitivity as much as possible. We designed the sensor to read and use every single pixel on it. There weren’t any lines skipping and there was an absence of moray. Because we operated in a Super 35mm format, we increased the pixels to the native resolution of 3840×2160 and are outputting 1920×1080. This is the first Canon camera to have the 3840 capability.”

So check out the new Canon digital camera now.

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