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Worst recorded summer flooding in China claims 1138 lives

flood china

This summer season in China culminated in what we can call the revenge of environment with damage standing in hundreds of millions of Yuan and thousands of casualties.

Torrential rains and flooding, unswerving heat wave and drought, melting glaciers and rising sea level, typhoons and lightening, storms, landslides and what not? China will always remember this summer of 2007 for all the pillage, death and destruction it bestowed on the country and its inhabitants. With thousands of people falling to the spate of such a horrendous flooding and millions of losses in infrastructure, China is forced to think why weather went on a killing spree this season and it would soon find the answer.

china flooding kills thousands

With millions of Yuan already spent on rehabilitation and relief measures, death and destruction of man, animal and crop still stands to stare. Despite boasting of having built the largest HEP in the world, China is suffering from lack of potable drinking water after such a terrible environment fury.

Relentless greenhouse emissions because of reckless industrialization and careless deforestation resulted in the massacre of environment. The result of which is quite apparent in China. Survival for Chinese was never as difficult as it is today after the rape of environment.

Summer of 2007 in China is a gory tale of what global warming is all about, you plunder the environment and the latter hits back. Lessons for others to be learnt, are you ready?



Via: Reuters

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