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World Bank in loggerhead with Pygmies over logging


Looks like the World bank has got itself in bigtime trouble. The bank supported the logging in the pygmy dwelling area. The logging is being done at the expense of the local population. As a result, the pygmy people are pissed off at the world bank. Coupled with the environment protection groups, the indigenous people of the Republic of Congo have accused World Bank of the environmental damage.

The forest is a source of medicine, food, and livelihood of the local people. Logging takes the asset away from them. Due to logging, the local people of the area are deprived of the very basic necessities of life. Also, with the huge deforestation going on, people are concerned about the well being of the forests.Even the local people do admit that the forests of Congo basin are beneficial to the planet as well.

To the Pygmies, the forests are not only means of livelihood, but also an identity of their culture, of who they are. So, if the forests are cut down completely and deforestation is encouraged, there will no longer be any Pygmies in the area. In order to take care of the situation, the tribal leaders wanted to meet the World Bank President Robert Zoellick. But, World Bank won’t let that happen. Instead, the Vice President of World Bank for Africa along with the V.P. of Social Development Network will meet the tribes of the region.

I’m sure that World Bank avoided the meeting between the president and the pygmies in order to escape the issue. It’s basically an escapist attitude on their part. When asked about this, the bank’s Donaldson denied any bank role. Nevertheless, the bank is involved in this issue. The sooner they clear up the issue with the Pygmies, the better it is for their reputation and for the environment.

Image credits: export, Jao

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