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Wondering about the wonders

The previous list of seven wonders of the world is about to change! The UN world heritage list has so far been updated with five new wonders.

This campaign is based in Zurich as of now, and the new five wonders are as follows:

* South China Karst: This is an unique underground area formed by erosion. Located in the southwest margin of Yangtze landmass, this was full of water once upon a time. With the geotectonic movements, the region has been transformed to it’s present day formations.

* Next up, is the Madagascar rainforest: This forest has unique combo of flora and fauna and has a lot of endangered species. But, little is done to protect it. I think it’s on the verge of deforestation.

* Primevial Beech forest of Eastern Europe is yet one of the new wonders. The forests of Eastern Europe are deciduous in nature and the deciduous forests are rare. Located N518 43 E8 58 25, these forests are unique due to the amazing amount of flora and fauna.

* Jeju do volcanic island : is a self governing island in Korea. This island has a crazy system of lava tubes and was formed 1.2 million years ago! I think this is spectacular and probably the best wonder ever after Taj Mahal.

* Teide National Park, Spain: This park has a volcanic crater which is 16 Km wide! You can either opt for a cable car ride to the top summit crater or just hike up. The park has some of the best views.

So far, out of 37 sites, only 5 have been selected as world heritage sites. There are still two spots left. I think we should reconsider Taj Mahal and also select Yellowstone National Park as one of the wonders. The Yellowstone is a huge dormant caldera in the US Northwest and has spectacular views all over. However, we should select this carefully and give all the countries a chance to compete in this great race.

Image Links:

Wikimedia, Whatsonwhen

Source Link: BBC

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