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Whaling continues in Japan even as talks are on

whaling continues depite ban
Whaling is the illegal practice of whale hunting for commercial purposes. The practice is prevalent since the 16th century and was condemned and declared illegal after five of the thirteen big whales were found to be endangered. In spite of this ban, Japanese ships are reported to have killed five whales in the Southern ocean.
The incidence has occurred even as Australian foreign minister Stephen Smith discussed the issue of whaling with his Japanese counterpart, Masahiko Komura in a meeting held between the two. During the meeting Mr. Smith is said to have strongly opposed Japanese whaling programs and Mr. Komura seemed to support him in his talks. According to a spokesman,

During the meeting the two countries have agreed to disagree on this issue.

This whaling incident took place when Greenpeace and Sea Shepherd ships had to inevitably return to refuel their vessels in Australia. Taking advantage of the situation five whales in the Southern Ocean were killed. The executive director of Sea Shepherd Kim McCoy who was on board the Steve Irwin ship describes the incidence as ‘incredibly frustrating’.

Source: Brisbane times

Image: Greenpeace

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