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Warming bomb ready to explode, world crossing warming limits

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The bomb of global warming is ready to explode, with the world showing all signs of raising the mercury beyond the warming limits sounding death knell for life. Where are we heading?

Global warming or warming of the earth or rising mercury or non-stop increase in global temperatures means the same. Forgetting the vital importance of confining warming to no more than 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, world is busy in emitting more and more, despite knowing that such a reluctance to curb and curtail emissions is the biggest blunder on earth. But, cutting down on the emissions seems to be the roadblock to development for the burgeoning economies of the world that cannot risk their development spree for environment.
liberty under attack from emissions

Despite knowing the fact and debating the issue hundreds and thousands of times, our profuse emissions are killing the atmosphere, choking the clean, pure air out of it, pumping hazardous gases that are not only unsafe for human health, but also tragic for the environment. And to the surprise of none, global temperatures have soared by 0.7 degrees last century, with another 0.6 degrees locked in the carbon sinks or stores or world’s oceans. But for how long will the oceans extract the excess of carbon from the atmosphere, when we know that we are not only pumping gases into, but also pollutants, plastic and nuclear waste, which are only hazardous for the ocean life. With leading nations reluctant to reach a sane consensus on cutting back their emissions, can we think of a flourishing future on earth?

Unremitting emissions, surging temperature, melting glaciers, copious rain, profuse flooding, desiccated earth, dry plants, submerged coasts, inundated land, lifeless life, collapsed environment and the cycle goes on and on.

So, any idea how long will life sustain on earth if the global surge in mercury continues as it is today or a little below this level? May be global warming is heralding the era of end of life on earth and the countdown has already begun. Any takers?



Source: Reuters

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