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Useful tips on sustainable farming

tips on sustainable farming

Let us begin with the definition of the term “sustainable farming” – the production of food and other plant or animal products in a way that is least harmful for environment and health. They truly favor the human and animal welfare. Sustainable farming produces healthy food and it protects the fertility of the land so that the future generations could also enjoy the fruits of nature as we do.

Some years ago, nobody knew the term sustainable farming, as the farming practices deployed by the farmers were already healthy. However, now this has become a ballyhooed issue because the agricultural scientists are worried about per year decrease in the soil fertility.

They are worried that the world population is on rise and the soil fertility is constantly declining, that can cause human race to extinct from this world.


This is the reason why most of the nations have opted for sustainable farming. If you also want to indulge in sustainable framing,

  • Do not go beyond your resources.
  • Never throwaway things that you think are a waste. Think of some ideas, transform them by the way of recycling, and reuse them.
  • Never try to go exotic, use whatever breeds you have in your locale.
  • Use the method of crop rotation to maintain soil fertility. Crop rotation helps reduces the soil erosion and the weather damage, thus, maintains soil fertility.
  • Diversity in plants is an extremely effective way to protect crops from diseases and pests. You can plant variations of the same species, which will ensure genetic diversity and makes the crops stronger. For example, if you grow ten different varieties of wheat at the same time, the pests will not attack all of them.
  • A very effective and widely used technique to get rid of pests is to attract beneficial animals to your fields. Bats and birds are a perfect choice. To attract them you will have to plant trees on the boundaries of your farm or you will have to build artificial shelters like wooden boxes where these birds can make their nests and live. The other options are the insects like ladybugs, beetles, and flies that feed on pests.
  • Finally yet importantly, do not waste a lot of fuel. To achieve this, you need to use more of manual labor and lesser machines. You try to find out experienced people who can work themselves without machines and bring you benefits.

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