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UN blames India as major polluter: Politics with environment

UN blames India as major polluter


The UN’s recent Human Development Report 2007 targets India as a major environmental polluter and asks India to clean up her act. And why should India not be blamed for global warming? For the simple reason, we are not a rich country. Put simply, we are not the US. The UN recommends that we cut our greenhouse gas emissions by up to 80%. The report ultimately becomes scary. The Times of India reports Kevin Watkins, lead author of HDR-2007, warning the developing world about an increase in their poverty due to more frequent extreme weather events. This is that same old argument that the poverty and inaction of the poor nations just breed more poverty. This kind of logic has a way of shifting focus from the responsibility that rich nations have in making us poor. The fact that developed nations are emitting most greenhouse gases is also covered up. The US is the world’s largest environmental polluter and yet has openly discarded the Kyoto Protocol as unsuitable for its economy. Now this same US is now using the UN to chastise us.

The significance of this report is twofold. The international community is getting ready for talks on proactive climate change. This report prepares the groundwork for those future meetings.In no way should emerging powers like India be allowed to progress further. One must cripple her economy at all costs so that all threats to white hegemony are removed. This kind of pressure tactic is a follow-up of what the ex-advisor to UK on climate change, Nicholas Stern, had counseled India. He had sternly admonished us to become more energy efficient. The second importance of this report is directly related to the greed of the Western nations for easy money. Polluting nations are to be fined heavily in the future. Direct colonialism is now passe, nonetheless there has to be kept open the old revenue channels feeding Western economies from the days of the Empire. This report is an ingenious way to pave the way for such fining in the future. The powers that are will only have to remind us that they had warned us so many times. Like the barbarians we are we did not heed their clarion call.

Our politicians and environmental-bureaucrats are in a tizzy. They know the unfairness of the report. But are too afraid to complain loud enough for the international community to wake up and hear us. It is the sad truth that it is a status symbol for Indians to live in the US. So the lips of many of our leaders can only mouth praises for the US controlled UN. Oh, we are also totally dependant as a nation in many unimaginable ways to the US. Thus, there is no chance that we will ever publicly disagree with this wicked report.

Via: Times of India

Image: Tree Hugger

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