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UK decides to ban slow loris trade

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Britain is all set to ban the international trade of slow loris that is one of the world’s most charming and endangered, primates.

Lorises are nocturnal animals just like owls and get their name from its languorous progress through the trees. They generally feed on bamboo and are nearing extinction in Cambodia. The other south and south-east Asian countries are also fearing its extinction where it is commonly found.

Due to its attractiveness, they are bought and sold as pets in shopping malls as well as in animal markets. They are also killed as their body parts are used in traditional medicines.

Ministers on June 4 joined a bid that was led by Cambodia for a ban on international trade in slow loris, and products made from them. The meeting was attended by 169 countries that are members of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, which regulates the world’s wildlife trade.

The slow loris is popular for its healing properties as it is used in many traditional Asian remedies and medicines. Even some people adorn their body parts to ward off evil spirits and bolster spirituality.

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Source: Environment

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