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Every tween girl should know this

Every tween girl should know this

For girls, tweenage is a period of persistent struggle. It is a subtle period when mood changes, stubborn decisions and immature perceptions are frequent. They are often stranded with subjects like popularity, relationships with boys, success, sexuality and looks. Parents realise that their role is shifting from making decisions to that of offering advices for their girls. Five most common things that tweens are required to know are given below.

Subtle sexuality

At some point, the girl will begin to experience the signs of change. It accompanies mood fluctuations and romantic urge for the opposite sex. Gone are the days when tween friendship with opposite sex meant holding hands and sharing candies. Tweens of today are influenced by huge amount of uncensored sexual activities on Internet, TV and movies. While some parents like to shrug it off by saying, “It is not my child”, but dating and sex are getting increasingly popular among lower ages. Amid this, many a tweens make a case for bad decisions. Parents have the right to set limits and be aware about their child. It is the time to tell them about the importance of healthy relationships.

Make-up is not necessary but a smile is

Most mums like to decide themselves over the right age for her tween to start using make-up. Actually, tweens are too much excited about make-up to keep them from trying it all the time. But playing by the rules is as much important as playing at all. Knowledge of what, when and how much is extremely important instead of splashing it all over the face, every now and then. Turning make-up into a virtue, requires a deft touch and an expert guidance. It only takes a mother or a sister for an honest appraisal of make-up. It is not as much necessary as a healthy breakfast. It is useful when you know what you are doing. No make-up can be a good idea for most part of the year, if you love yourself the way you are. A sweet smile costs nothing but is a great substitute for make-up. Always wear it at home and never leave it when you leave home.

Glamour and fame isn’t everything

A lot of tweens get lured by famous models and heroines due to the apparent sensation attached with their personalities. The danger is that they will get carried away and end up having bad role models. They try to imitate reel lives of famous women while their real lives are full of stories about drug addiction, sexual vandalism, scandals and all types questionable behaviors. A role model, if chosen badly, can also land her in illusions, misconceptions and ultimate disappointment. She needs to be told about the side-effects of fame and glamour. Sudden and excessive fame are often a result of dishonest self-promotion and paid megalomania.

It’s not always ‘Black or White’

Tweens lack the guile to understand the fact that something can be partially true or partially false at the same time. Because of their naivety, they can end up discarding a long term friend in favor of a total stranger, who does something nice. Parents must understand their naivety, otherwise a great parent can be transformed to a mean exploiter with the blink of an eye. Tweens fail to understand that the clothes and the body that women flaunt, do not completely sum up with what they are. It is a period to start working towards instilling the traits of a good character. After all, a loving nature is more lasting than a trendy dress.

Don’t trust women’s magazines

These magazines dictate you about what you should do, what you should be and what should you have. Only thing they infuse in tweens is unhealthy competition and inferiority complex. Eventually, it can end up hurting their self-esteem. Most of them play a psychological game to sell their products in the guise of popular perceptions. They are fine only as long as the girl understands that the sensuality, relationships, beauty and glamour represented in these magazines are not depicting reality. Moreover, they glamorize the bad habits like smoking, drinking, late night parties etc. One good thing about these magazines is that they improve the reading habit of the girl. Even then, it can be a costly way to achieve the task.

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