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Transracial Adoption : Questions to be answered before

Few decades ago, transracial adoption was considered to be a very unusual thing and the family had to go through a lot of complications from society, but nowadays, more and more couples are choosing transracial adoption. The barriers of race and color are slowly fading away. If you are among those rare parent who want to adopt a child out of your race, then you must prepare yourself with some questions and seek answers. This would help you to make a correct decision.

1. How are you going to help your adopted child to be connected with his racial culture?

It is very necessary for everyone to be rooted to his or her culture, no matter where one lives. If you are going for a transracial adoption, then it is your responsibility to make sure that your adopted child remains connected with his racial culture. You will have to teach him the values and aesthetics of his culture. The best way to counter this situation is to live in a community where the people of the same race as your child’s reside. This way not only your child will stay in touch with his cultural roots but you too would get an opportunity to learn new things. You can motivate your child to participate in local events in order to make him understand his culture in a better way. You also need to make sure that you inculcate positive role models of the same race. It is not necessary that you must be knowing everything about a particular race before adopting a child, but what is necessary is your willingness to learn and more important, teach your child.

2. Can you learn to be color blind?

This is a must condition when it comes to adopting a child from some other race. Adopting a child from other race can imply that he must be of a different skin color. It becomes your moral duty not only to ignore this fact but also respect the fact that your child is of different color. Acknowledge that every color is equally beautiful and sow a belief within you that you are a family irrespective of the color. Gone are the days when discretion was made on the basis of color. Today’s world has become matured enough to understand that the world is created by the Almighty and for Him everyone is equal. You must ensure that your child does not get a feeling of an outsider just because of his skin color.

3. How are you going to make your family and community accept the adoption of a child from another race?

Adopting a child from another race may prove more difficult if you are living a in a primarily Caucasian community. This problem is not that dominant in case of other mixed racial communities. Adopting a child means that you are bringing a new family member which means that his presence in your house is definitely going to have major impact on the lives of other family members also. Therefore, you also have to take the views and opinions of your family members into consideration before reaching any decision. Younger children may not have any problem from a child from another community but older children may have their own issues and feelings about the matter. You need to convince them with your decision. You also have to consider about the feelings of your extended family. Have the views and opinions of the members of your community regarding transracial adoption. Go ahead with the adoption only when you are convinced that other members also accept your child.

4. Do you have any stereotypes when it comes to the race you are considering adopting?

Ask this question to yourself and you would get an answer. However, this situation is not that much simple as it appears to be. Based on our experiences and learning we develop an image of a particular race, positive or negative. For instance, if we had a bad experience with someone belonging to a particular race, then it’s quite likely that we will create an image of the entire community based on that single experience with that single person. These stereotypes about a race may effect not only you but also your adopted child, without you being aware of it. Hence beware of this.

5. Will you be able to stand against the comments from others?

It is very likely that if you are a member of a bi-racial family then you are going to receive a lot of stares and comments of others. This may be a difficult situation not only for you but also for your adopted child. Sometimes, the remarks might be very disgusting and it’s your responsibility to take a stand against such odds. You have to make your child believe that no matter what everyone says, you are his parent and you will always stand with him. Sometimes people will unknowingly say something which will hurt your feelings. You have to make yourself strong enough to ignore such things. However, if you don’t have the courage to place yourself outside the crowd, then give a second thought of adopting a child from another race.

Once you answer all the questions honestly, you would be able to judge your situation in adopting a transracial child.

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