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Things to know before buying a gas fireplace

buying a gas fireplace

The Basics

“Only warmth and no mess” is the essence of gas fireplaces. Emotively, the word warmth conveys comfort and affection. Fireplace takes away the crudeness of the cold weather. In addition, an attractive fireplace adds the elegance to the home. However, fireplaces burning wood are messy with the ash, and smoke. The need for constant tending makes wood-burners cumbersome. However, the latest talk of the town is are the gas fireplaces.

What matters the most

1. Safety

Safety is the most important aspect anywhere, particularly at home. Therefore, when you buy a gas fireplace, ensure that it has passes EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) standards. The certifications means that the heat and air produced are clean and safe for your home. Another vital feature that the fireplace must have is auto-shutdown facility, to close down if there is an emergency. Carbon monoxide and humidity are the two important factors, you must take into consideration, while using vent less model.

2. Efficient and Convenient

Considerable technology has gone into designing gas fireplaces. The result is an effective source of warmth. The costs are less because it uses natural gas or propane. It keeps you warm even when power fails due to any breakdown.

3. Comfort

The kids will have the right temperature and comfort. As a corollary, cold related health problems may stay away.

What & Why

1. Any burning fireplace produces carbon monoxide and moisture. Gas fireplaces with vents usually send both these emissions out of your home. If you already have a traditional fireplace with a chimney, the worry is less, because you can install the gas model within the old one. You can even combine the chimney for using both.

2. By burning the gas at very high temperatures, vent less gas fireplaces reduce emissions drastically. You can handle the minimal carbon monoxide and moisture by taking basic care in ventilation.

3. Vent less models come in a variety of designs and you can choose the one to enhance the room décor. Yet, you should bear in mind, the health risks and municipal regulations.

We Suggest

• Before deciding on a gas fireplace, go over the benefits, costs and safety precautions.

• You should start by checking out the local restrictions on gas fireplaces. Some states prohibit vent less models.

• Find out the type of gas, available in your area. If you are living in a place, where piped gas is available, you can use natural gas. In other places, propane will be the choice.

• Discuss with the gas supplier regarding the refilling facilities.

• Many accessories and designs are available. Add-ons like cooking grill, additional storage cabinets are great conveniences.

• Do not use the gas fireplace for more than a few hours at a time. Keep the fireplace doors open when in use.

The Bottom-line

Gas fireplace is a great comfort and decorative addition. The home will be warmer both literally and figuratively.

Quick tips

• Keep clothes, inflammable and children away from the fireplace.

• Choose the suitable size for your room and need. By hitting upon a suitable size and model, you can place it even on the table or beside the bed.

• Follow the usage instructions and maintenance schedule closely.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the types available?

There are mainly two types of gas fireplaces, with or without vents. The vent less models do not require putting up a chimney. Check the local laws or building code on the type allowed in your locality.

2. What type of fuel is required?

You can use natural gas or propane depending upon the local supply.

3. What about flooring and fixing?

Flooring does not matter, if you choose the right model and follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Discuss the point with the dealer before buying.

4. What about safety factors?

That is the best and important question. Like any other appliance or machinery, safety precautions are essential when using a gas fireplace. Ventilation, keeping children and articles that may burn easily, keeping the fireplace doors open, using for limited periods will make the gas fireplaces quite safe.

5. What are the benefits?

Your home will be a cozy and warm place. The running costs are less. It will be the spot of happiness for the family to gather and spend quality time.

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