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Things that only a mom can (and should) teach a daughter

mom can (and should) teach a daughter

Mom and daughter have a very special relationship, however this does not mean that moms do not share a special bond with sons. Parents are equally attached to their children, be it a son or a daughter, and it is the same way for kids as well. The difference comes in the up bringing, as there are certain factors and values that a mother needs to teach her girl child. Mother and father both contribute in the development of children but when it is a daughter, the mother certainly has a major role to play.

The reason behind is the awkwardness and hesitation that daughters often have when it comes to share some private feelings with their dads, and even dads hesitate to talk on numerous issues with their daughters. Here comes in the mother, who can teach the daughter so many things that a father can never do, or even if fathers do, they cannot do it in a perfect way. Following are the things that only a mom can teach a daughter in a perfect and a satisfying way:


Bodily changes take place when girls grow, and that is when mothers have a great role to play. Mothers can talk to their daughters about every single change they go through while developing. Moms know all these changes like the back of their hand, which fathers may not understand the situation that well. Being females themselves, mothers understand the needs of their daughters and can give the best advice and suggestion to them. Mothers take a proactive approach to address issues like that of menstruation cycle, even before it actually takes place in their daughter’s life so that when it actually happens their daughter feels comfortable.


Hygiene is another very important factor that parents teach their children, and there is no one better than a mother who can teach this better to a girl child. The bodily changes in girls bring with themselves a fair share of hygiene issues as well. It ranges from body hair, pimples, body odor, and menstrual hygiene. Daughters do not feel comfortable to share these issues with fathers but they certainly do it with mothers. According to the developmental phase, mothers keep introducing things like face wash, deodorants, pads and tampons, and hair removal creams to their daughters so that their daughters score well on the hygiene segment.

Love and Sex

Moms are responsible to teach their daughters all about love and relationships, which fathers find hard to share with their daughters. Moms can teach daughters to respect others, the opposite sex. Teach her to be responsible in love relationships but without losing self-identity, to give her best but not to depend on her love entirely. Moms can teach their daughters the boundaries between love and sex. It is always better to have an open talk on this serious matter rather than sweeping it under the rug, as doing so creates a lot of confusion in their mind.


Being females themselves, mothers are the ones who can do the job of teaching their daughters the skill of self-esteem and confidence in the best possible way. They know it themselves that how important self-esteem is for a woman in life. Based on their own experiences, mothers can teach their daughters the importance of saying no to things their conscience does not allow them to do.


There are some things that only mothers can teach daughters, which fathers fail to do. This is probably because of the hesitance and awkwardness that the gender difference creates.

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