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‘Super Tree’ device to save Peruvians’ lungs

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Pursuing its endeavor to reduce air pollution in Lima (Peru), Tierra Nuestra SAC has installed its first air purifier, called the Super Tree, in the district of Surquillo. Similar purifiers are to be installed shortly in other contaminated parts of Peru. Over the past two decades, air pollution has risen radically in Peru, leading to poor air quality. Running 24/7, this plant claims to eradicate air contamination, preventing smog build on and foggy gray days.

Super powers of Super Tree

• Super tree claims to eliminate as much carbon dioxide from the

atmosphere as 1,200 trees.

• It purifies 8,340 cubic metrics of air per hour.

• It gets rid of up to 25% of atmospheric sulfur dioxide and

nitrogen dioxide.

• It also eliminates harmful bacteria and germs from the air.

the super tree super arbol air purifier
Cost of the tree

Green Tree costs just $100,000, with a mere $6.50 operating expense per day. That’s not much to pay for clean air. The entire cost of the project has been borne by Tierra Nuesta.

How does the Super Tree work?

The Super Tree uses water for its functioning. It simply absorbs carbon dioxide from the outside air and then uses thermodynamic pressure to combine toxic elements in air with water, and then finally pumps out clean air. The Tree conveniently pumps out the by-products of the entire purifying process, including mud and potable water, into sewer systems.

Locations for optimum utilization of Super Tree

• Near bus stops

• Near traffic lights on street corners

• Great avenues where vehicles move about through long stretches

Future plans

Tierra Nuestra aims to install 100 similar plants in other parts of Lima by the end of this year and 400 plants by the end of four years. Though the company is presently focusing on Lima, soon it will install Super Trees in other parts of the country. It hopes to begin exporting this technology to other parts of the world in the future. The company aims to endorse new technologies and renewable energy.

Via: Ecowordly

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