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Strange and Bizarre experiments on animals

dolphin researcher John Lilly

<![CDATA[The curiosity of the humans to understand the unknown has led to bizarre experiments by scientists around the world. Some executed them to understand concepts, some for fame and the remaining perhaps to discover new breakthroughs.

Stimuli Eliciting Sexual Behavior in Turkeys

Martin Schein and Edgar Hale were very curious to study the mating habits of poultry. They observed that male Turkeys were aroused not only by their female counterparts but even by the lifelike models of female Turkeys. Schein and Hale of the University of Pennsylvania carried out experiments in 1965 to find out what would be the minimal stimulus to excite a Turkey.

One by one, they removed the parts from the lifelike female Turkey until the male Turkey lost interest in it. Surprisingly the male Turkey wanted to mate with the model even when only the head of the model remained on a stick. The male Turkey was even interested in a female Turkey head made from Balsa wood!

Dolphin Gets Intimate with a Human

dolphin researcher John Lilly

Image Source : miro.medium.com

Margret Howe, assistant of the dolphin researcher John Lilly lived with a male dolphin named Peter for a period of six months. Lilly in his book The Mind of the Dolphin, describes how his assistant Margret lived with Peter and taught him to speak. Margret taught basic English words to Peter and also played with him. In some time, Peter got attracted to Margret and wanted to mate with her. Eventually she reluctantly accepted Peter’s proposal and stroked him with her feet and hands. When the federal agencies came to know that dolphins were given LSD for making them to talk, all funding to the project was stopped.

The Great American Monkey Head Transplant

Image Source : MadScientistBlog.Ca

In the series of bizarre experiments on animals, 14 March 1970 is a date to remember. Robert White an American scientist successfully separated the head of a monkey from its body and attached it to another body. When the monkey came back to senses it was angry and even tried to bite a member of White’s team. Unfortunately, the monkey was unable to move, as there was no known procedure to reattach the brain of the monkey to the spinal cord. The monkey survived for only a day and a half.

There is a crazy list of such strange and bizarre experiments on animals. In most of the cases, the animals either could not survive for long or died immediately.]]>

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