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Smart irrigation systems that help you take care of your plants

Blue Marble Irrigation System

Households with gardens, lawns and backyards tend to waste plenty of water for irrigation purposes. The advent of smart irrigation aims to stop this wastage by making use of landscape devices and controllers to monitor the needs of plants on a real time basis. Based on this information, these systems plan irrigation schedules for the plants without wasting water in the process. Take a look at some of these smart irrigation systems that can do wonders in your home.

Eve Ecosystem

The Eve Ecosystem helps you control your garden or yard with just a smartphone or tablet. The system comes with an irrigation controller that works along with a handful of Adam Moisture Sensors. The sensors when placed around the yard transmit real time information on soil and water conditions. Eve then optimizes the watering patterns to ensure that your plants get water as and when they need it.

The system also analyzes weather patterns and landscape type to provide the required amount of water for those areas that are not near the sensors. If it’s rainy, Eve will withhold watering the plants. And if it’s extra hot, Eve will arrange for an extra shower for the plants, thus ensuring that you do minimal work to maintain your yard.

Blue Marble Irrigation System

Blue Marble Irrigation System

The Blue Marble Irrigation System is a smart watering system that aims to offer intelligent irrigation to yards sans any setup involving batteries. The automated system can be controlled via a smartphone app and features a central irrigation controller that connects to the WWW for real time information on weather.

The app lets you control irrigation schedules while also allowing you to make adjustments to the sensor data obtained from the garden. The sprinkler valves and drip system are controlled by the central hub which relies on the information provided by the sensors or a timer to plan watering schedules for your plants. Another salient feature of the Blue Marble is that its valves and sensors are powered by solar cells, thus offering an eco-friendly, battery free operation.

Green IQ Smart Irrigation Hub

Termed as the ‘Nest for the Garden’ by its creators, the Green IQ Smart Irrigation Hub helps plan and control watering schedules based on real time information pertaining to current as well as predicted weather conditions in the area. The hub can be controlled remotely via a smartphone, tablet or even a PC. Offering a fully functional outdoor ecosystem, Green IQ helps reduce water usage by nearly 50% every month.

Solar Sync Sensor

This smart irrigation system comes with advanced weather sensors as well as hunter controllers that help maintain your garden with minimum effort on your part. The sensor uses information about onsite weather condition and calculations of evapotranspiration (ET) in order to send the required seasonal adjustment percentage value to the controller.

The controller adjusts itself to modify irrigation run times for the day. The system also integrates with other sensors like Rain Click to switch off the irrigation system immediately in the case of rain.

Plant Link Soil Moisture Sensor

Plant Link is a smart irrigation system that comes with a soil health sensor to check the moisture levels in the soil. The sensors work along with the SmartThings app to let PlantLink intimate you about your plants’ watering needs. The system comes with an inbuilt catalog of more than 50000 plants, the information of which will be used to calibrate each plant’s watering needs separately. PlantLink can be placed both indoors and outdoors, and will take care of your plants without too much of an effort from your side.

Many households are switching to smart irrigation systems for their gardens. These smart irrigation systems use a range of sensors and controllers to plan watering schedules for the plants. This way, they ensure that the garden remains green the year around without wasting too much water in the process.

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