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Single parenting and stress management

Single parenting and stress management

Parenting can be challenging especially for single parents, as they have to juggle work and household chores while taking care of children. Constant multi-tasking can lead to high levels of stress and frustration and can mess up work. It is important to manage one’s life in a disciplined manner and make choices at the onset to avoid stress.

Managing Finances

Managing money has been identified as the key stress generator among single parents. Managing mounting bills and controlling expenses can be very stressful if not managed correctly. One way to manage your limited funds is to track expenses and identify money-wasters. You can create a monthly budget for essentials and make compulsory savings. Finally, you can always go back to school and get certifications to improve your chances for better placements in the job market.

Time Management

In order to manage your time well careful planning of your daily routine is highly essential. Allotting time for all work appropriately will help you enjoy the time spent with your child ad also allow you to work with an easy mind. Further, you can finish all your errands and sleep peacefully without worrying about tasks that need to be completed.

Managing time effectively is to do things that will help you unwind. You can probably hire a babysitter ask one of your friends or family members to take care of your child for some timeany time during the week. You can also take some time out to enjoy with your child, take them to a park or play a game with them.

Techniques for Stress Management

You can practice certain stress management techniques, which you can apply besides organizing your affairs.

  1. Progressive relaxation exercises
  2. Deep breathing
  3. Take a mental vacation
  4. Listen to music, read or pursue some hobby

Further, be consistent with your routine until it becomes a habit. Set bedtimes and mealtimes and maintain a regular schedule for your children and yourself. Assign tasks to your children too and teach them to be self-reliant. Discipline will help you and your child to manage time effectively and spend the day productively.

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