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Ships must steer clear of dolphin feeding grounds: IMO

saved from plying vessels 9

It would really bring relief to the bottlenose dolphins thriving in the Alboran Sea – the cargo ships and the world’s maritime traffic must now spare their primary feeding grounds in the area, with the vessels steering clear off Spain’s southern coast, as claimed by the International Maritime Organization.

With almost 30 percent of the world’s vessels diverted to pass through this gateway, it is not only the dolphins that will be relieved of disturbing acoustic and the area’s water pollution, but will also reduce the risk from accidental oil spill-impacts on coastal habitats and tourist beaches. It is mainly because of the cargo ships that generally carry hazardous substances.

The scientists informed that the area’s dolphin populations are both fragmented and genetically isolated. Thus, it would really be positive and relieving for the conservationists to make these waters safer for the species’ survival and traveling.

Hope this diversion of the shipping lanes passing through the Alboran Sea — a gateway between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean, 20 miles southwards – would contribute largely in maintaining Europe’s this most valuable feeding grounds.

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