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Climate change threatens Caribbean’s food security, health and economy

map of caribbean region 9Scientists have long established the links of global warming to a country’s economic and agricultural devastation. As per specific pointing to the parameters of environmental devastations related to a country, a new report published by the Inter governmental Panel on Climate Change says that global climate change is threatening the food security, health and economic fortunes of the Caribbean region.

The scientists are finding the implications to be frightening! Dr. Kenrick Leslie, Director of the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre fears the same. Looking back to the devastating natural phenomenon, it is within the last decade stronger hurricanes were frequent and intense, with the region’s seas getting warmer, according to the report.

The annual levels of rainfall changed; waters at the coastal zone have grown warmer. And to add to the worse, vector borne diseases such as dengue broke out even during unseasonal times. The report also highlighted that the fish have migrated off the region’s waters.

Immediate actions are needed, as it is feared that if nothing is done, the future would see,
prolonged future drought,
rising sea levels leading to erosion of beaches
decrease in agricultural output at the subsistence as well as commercial levels

Though the scientists may argue on, if the report is an exaggeration, we need to do our bits to help the region from falling victim to global warming.

Photo Credit: 1costaricalink

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