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Restaurant in Holland spins energy out of its revolving door!

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Despite the small measure in which this little door spinning around in Holland, might help us save energy and reduce our reliance on conventional power, it still is another innovative step towards going green. A restaurant named Zeist has been working with the design company Rau in order to reduce their carbon footprint and it has come up with a simple idea of fitting a generator to its revolving door to allow its customers to make some energy for it. Considering that the restaurant is placed at a busy train stop, this seems a decent choice.

The revolving door of the restaurant is simply hooked up to a generator which produces approximately 4600 KWH per year and generates enough energy to make a cup of coffee each time someone walks in or out through the door. The restaurant is also looking towards special low energy cooling system, a sun collector and windmill to reduce its carbon footprint. Holland has always been known for its ability to shift to alternate green power with ease and considering its altitude below sea level, it is more of a necessity for the nation. But the ‘energy out of revolving door’ is both unique and cool. Just imagine what you could produce if you hooked up a generator to every revolving door on the planet, including in subways of cities like London and New York!

Via: Ecoworldly

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